Multiple benefits of sustainable
plus energy neighbourhoods
and their potential impact on
policy and investment decisions

Sustainable plus energy neighbourhoods offer multiple social, economic and environmental benefits, which consistently overlap with the three pillars of sustainability. This report identifies multiple benefits of SPENs that can be quantified and monetised, promoting policy innovation to support sustainability at the neighbourhood level.

Sustainable plus energy neighbourhoods (SPENs) offer multiple social, economic and environmental
benefits, which consistently overlap with the three pillars of sustainability. These benefits
extend beyond individual positive energy buildings and impact both individuals and society as a
whole. Some benefits are measurable, while others are not. To fully understand the benefits of a
collective group of positive energy buildings or SPENs, it is important to highlight them objectively.

Benefits at the neighbourhood level have not yet been fully conceptualised and mapped
in detail. These benefits include reduced costs through economies of scale, social cohesion,
improved public health and wellbeing, inclusion, and improvements in accessibility, community facilities, safety and public spaces
. In addition, socially inclusive transformation depends on
community engagement, availability of shared assets, co-design and social support, which could
be strengthened through SPENs.

For a comprehensive appraisal of the multiple benefits of SPENs, they should be identified,
quantified and monetised. This report reviews various concepts related to the multiple benefits
of a group of positive energy buildings on a neighbourhood scale (SPENs). However, the focus
of this report is on identifying multiple benefits of SPENs that can be quantified and monetised.
This can promote policy innovation to support sustainability at the neighbourhood level,
including new developments and renovations. It can also aid stakeholder decision-making and
stimulate sustainability investment in such projects, e.g. through ESG finance and EU taxonomy.

In this report, we propose a syn.ikia definition for multiple benefits of SPENs to provide a
clarity on the concept and advance the transparent measurement of impacts beyond energy
savings and emission reductions:

Public and private welfare effects (energy and non-energy) that arise throughout
the life cycle of investment, development and maintenance of sustainable plus
energy neighbourhoods.

These occur via the interrelationship between human well-being and the physical and social environment at both individual and wider societal level, with a focus on neighbourhoods.

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