Active Building Energy Performance Contracts: an overview of policies and measures in place in Belgium, Spain, Italy and Portugal

The H2020 project AmBIENCe published a report and a series of factsheets summarising the policies and measures in place in Belgium, Spain, Italy and Portugal for Active Building Energy Performance Contracts.

AmBIENCe – Actively Managed Buildings with Energy Performance Contracting- is an H2020 project that aims to extend the concept of energy performance contracting for active building and making the model available and attractive to a wider range of building typologies.

The project conducted an assessment of enhanced Energy Performance Contracts and building demand response services in Europe, with the main goal to analyse the directives, policies and measures in place, as well as those under consideration, at EU level and across EU Member States.

The factsheets are also based on the conclusions of a series of webinars, held in June 2020, that aimed to present the various enablers and barriers of Active EPC in the EU.

At Member States level, it was found that Belgium and Italy are in a good track for receiving the Active EPC, whereas Spain and Portugal still need to overcome significant barriers to receive and implement the Active EPC. A strong legislative background and standards established for energy efficiency in buildings, well-developed EPC market, the establishment of product requirements according to the concept of “technology-neutrality” are among the main enablers for the implementation of Active EPC at country level.

View the factsheet here and read the full report here.

Find out more by reading the country factsheets:

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