Interview: BPIE talks to the Lithuanian Consumer Alliance about their aspirations for the ComActivate project

What are you planning to achieve during the ComActivate project? 

The project plans a number of activities that will not only provide theoretical but also direct practical benefits for the target groups: residents of the pilot municipalities will receive professional advice and targeted information at the resource centre, the target groups will improve their skills and knowledge through training, and a professional assessment of the buildings will allow residents to find out which building improvements will bring the most benefits and be effective.  

Also very important, that the project will raise the general awareness of the benefits of renovation among the population, encouraging them to take a greater interest in the subject and to choose the right solutions. 

Could you describe the pilot buildings chosen for the project in Kaišiadorys? What are the main problems encountered by the residents? 

Multi-family apartment buildings in Kaišiadorys are quite old (most of them were built from 1970 through 1980). The buildings are unsightly and have several problems. The joint fillers between the blocks in the block houses are deteriorated. Some windows have been replaced on the initiative of the homeowners, without design, resulting in leaky windows, inadequate ventilation, and the accumulation of moisture. Heat points in the buildings have not been renovated or have been partially renovated. In most cases, the buildings have a single-pipe heating system. The electrical networks in the buildings up to the entrances of the flats have not been renewed. The rest of the engineering systems in the buildings are in a state of disrepair.  

the project will raise the general awareness of the benefits of renovation among the population

The buildings are characterised by high energy consumption; in some cases the buildings do not comply with the hygiene norms and basic comfort standards for buildings, the number of breakdowns of engineering systems is higher, and some building structures, such as external staircases, are unsafe for use. Renovation in Kaišiadorys is slow: so far, 19 houses were renovated, 7 houses are currently under renovation.  

What is the next step for you? 

We believe that the project activities will be continued in the pilot municipalities and the resource centre will remain open. We will initiate the effective use of the project results and local and national decision-makers will benefit from the project results. We plan to establish a dialogue with other municipalities in Lithuania, to share the project’s good practices and possibly implement activities that have proved successful. 

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