Date & Location: 16.09.2022

EU Buildings Climate Tracker – first edition: How can the EPBD close the rapidly growing decarbonisation gap?

This event is an ideal opportunity to discover the new EU Buildings Climate Tracker and its results, to inform and to contextualise forthcoming EPBD discussions within the respective EU institutions. In view of the Parliament’s ongoing discussions on the draft report by MEP Ciaran Cuffe (Greens, Ireland), and the October Energy Council held by the Czech Council Presidency, the Tracker’s results should serve as a strong wakeup call for all policymakers to unite on the most ambitious policy options within the Buildings Directive.

This event has passed. See the recording below.


The EU Buildings Climate Tracker, developed this year by BPIE (Buildings Performance Institute Europe), serves as a high-level index showcasing the progress of the EU building stock towards full decarbonisation by 2050 on a scale of 0 – 100, and will be updated on an annual basis.

This first edition of the Tracker shows that the buildings sector is not advancing at the required pace to meet the EU’s climate objectives for 2030 and 2050, suggesting a need for a transformational outcome of legislative discussions on the EPBD (Energy Performance of Buildings Directive), as stated in the related policy briefing.

In view of the Parliament’s ongoing discussions on the draft report by MEP Ciaran Cuffe (Greens, Ireland), and the October Energy Council held by the Czech Council Presidency, the Tracker’s results should serve as a strong wakeup call for all policymakers to unite on the most ambitious policy options within the Buildings Directive.

This event will be an ideal opportunity to discover the EU Buildings Climate Tracker and its results, to inform and to contextualise forthcoming EPBD discussions within the respective EU institutions. The panel discussion is meant to provide ample opportunity for participants to post their questions to experts.



9:30 – Introduction and housekeeping – Caroline Milne, Head of Communications BPIE (Buildings Performance Institute Europe)

9:35 Opening statement by Ciarán Cuffe, Member of the European Parliament, (Greens, Ireland), and EPBD rapporteur

9:40 – 9:50 Launch of the EU Buildings Climate Tracker – Results and next steps for legislative discussions, Oliver Rapf, Executive Director, BPIE

9:50 – 10:25 Panel discussion “How to close the buildings decarbonisation gap through the EPBD revision” moderated by Caroline Milne, BPIE

  • Martin Pejřimovský, Energy attaché at Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU
  • Morten Petersen, Member of the European Parliament (Renew Europe, Denmark) – TBD
  • Paula Rey Garcia, Deputy Head of Unit B3 ‘Buildings and Products’, DG Energy, European Commission
  • Louise Coffineau, Policy Advisor Environment & Climate, Eurocities
  • Oliver Rapf, Executive Director, BPIE

10:25 – 10:30 Closing remarks

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