The H2020 project X-tendo kicks off: Towards the next generation of Energy Performance Certificates thanks to a modular, innovative toolbox

The H2020 project X-tendo, standing for ‘eXTENDing the energy performance assessment and certification schemes via a mOdular approach’, will support public authorities and implementing agencies in the transition towards improved compliance, reliability, usability and convergence of next-generation energy performance assessment and certification.

X-tendo will reach its objective by designing a modular web-based toolbox, containing 10 potential features of the next-generation EPC. These are:smart readiness indicator, comfort, outdoor air pollution, real energy consumption, district heating, EPC databases, building logbook, tailored recommendations, financing options and one stop shops. The features will be developed and tested in 9 countries around Europe (Austria, UK, Italy, Denmark, Estonia, Portugal, Poland, Romania and Greece). The “harmonized” implementation of the next-generation EPC features will contribute to a gradual convergence of EPC schemes across Europe and eventually act as a catalyst for energy renovations in Europe.

X-tendo promotes systems to create better, more advanced, more useful and more engaging EPCs. As such, the X-tendo toolbox will increase the trust in the energy performance assessment and certification, that will likely result in more EPCs issues, on both voluntary and mandatory basis. The increased trust in the certificate and the more useful information it contains will lead to an increased renovation rate, ensuring extra jobs in the construction sector and a boost for economy.

Before developing the X-tendo toolbox, the project will assess current practices within European EPC systems and develop a methodology and an approach to embedding each feature in the existing EPC framework. The methodologies and implementation approaches of the features will then be tested, making sure they are user-friendly, economically viable, and that they comply with ISO/EU standards, while ensuring the overall quality and reliability of EPCs. By using innovative indicators and data handling approaches, X-tendo demonstrates innovative features, which can be gradually implemented by energy agencies and policy makers.

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