Europe’s buildings under the microscope

Country-by-country review of the energy performance of Europe's buildings.

cover Under the microscopeAs there is a lack of comprehensive data on buildings at European level, BPIE analysed Europe’s building stock (EU 27 plus Switzerland and Norway) including building characteristics, building codes and other regulatory measures. The collected data allowed to determine the energy and CO2 saving potential of Europe’s buildings and to model a variety of scenarios for the systematic renovation of the European building stock till 2050.

The objective of this report is to put European policy-making on a more solid basis by providing the statistics for a fact-based discussion on how to leverage the energy saving potential of EU buildings while maximizing environmental, economic, and social benefits. Utilizing the full potential for energy savings within the European building sector can bring significant benefits: boost the ailing European economy and increase our energy security. As the rate of new constructions is quite low, around 1%, the biggest challenge in exploiting this energy saving potential is the systematic renovation of the existing building stock.

The report is of particular importance to the individual Member States as they are implementing the elements of the recast EPBD and EED, designed to improve the energy performance of their building stock. Finally, the report is a tool needed by the industry and other relevant bodies to raise the importance of energy efficient renovations and ultimately assist in pushing for higher renovation rates.

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