The inner value of a building – Linking indoor environmental quality and energy performance in building regulation

People spending 60-90% of their life in indoor environments (homes, offices, schools, etc.), indoor air quality is essential in ensuring health, quality of life and performance of buildings’ occupants.

Building policies are increasingly demanding in terms of energy performance and reduction of CO2 emissions. At the same time, people spending 60-90% of their life in indoor environments (homes, offices, schools, etc.), indoor air quality is essential in ensuring health, quality of life and performance of buildings’ occupants.

This report defines how the aspect of indoor climate could be reflected in the implementation of the European regulatory framework on the energy performance of buildings and puts the spotlight on the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) parameters to be considered by policy-makers as well as the indicators used for the indoor environment evaluation.

It presents national cases and initiatives and provides recommendations on how to integrate IEQ’s parameters in national and EU policies.

BPIE identified there four areas of opportunity: long-term renovation strategies, Energy Performance Certificates, smart-readiness indicator and compliance and quality control measures.

This is also the topic of a factsheet produced by the ExcEED EU-funded project, “Indoor Environmental Quality Survey: ExcEED contribution to healthier buildings”.

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