ExcEED Guidelines: Discover all the findings and technical solutions developed by the Horizon 2020 project

The ExcEED Guidelines aim to support building users and professionals to navigate through the features of the project platform.

The purpose of the H2020 ExcEED project builds on the statement that there is a lack of structured and comprehensive set of building data, which can be used to elaborate useful information and knowledge for market players and policy makers. Moreover, most buildings show lower energy performance than originally planned, because of their design and/or their use.

The innovative and dynamic platform developed by ExcEED helps responding to this need for transparency and comparability of building energy performance calculation. Facility managers, designers and policy makers are the stakeholders that could benefit the most from the platform. The free collaborative platform gathers, categorizes, visualizes and benchmarks multiple types of building data from its users. The buildings’ monitoring data, uploaded by the users, is transformed into knowledge with energy performance indicators, benchmarks and air quality surveys. This benefits the users as well as other stakeholders from the building sector and civil society by improving the efficiency of their buildings.

The ExcEED Guidelines aim to support building users and professionals to navigate through the features of the platform, which consists of:

  • A European database collecting data from buildings
  • A front-end dashboard with integrated analytical tools
  • A collection of building Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • A set of tools that allows geo-clustered, statistical and knowledge analysis of building data
  • A benchmarking function to analyse building interaction
  • An Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) survey to evaluate occupants’ perception of indoor comfort.

The Guidelines work through all these components, highlighting the benefits that different stakeholders can gain from them. They also explain how data is treated when it’s uploaded into the dashboard and used within the ExcEED tools.

From October 2019, the ExcEED platform becomes “enbuibench”, standing for “energy and comfort building performance characterization and benchmarking platform”. enbuibench will still support building performance analysis and comparison with peers and whole stocks through standard assessments; it enables to optimise and enhance facility management, to support real estate business, to evaluate the impact of building stock decarbonisation policies.

Download the guidelines here and register for FREE to the platform here.

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